Sunday, January 4, 2009

Dinner tonight... Beef Stew

One of my favorite meals when I was growing up was my mom's beef stew. Stew seemed like good comfort food for a January Sunday, so I gave this recipe a try. Unfortunately, I forgot to get a potato at the grocery store (possibly because I was so overwhelmed by what a zoo the store was -- I had to actually stake out a cart to shop with, and while I was in there, heard the store manager repeatedly come over the loud speaker begging people to move their cars from in front of the loading dock. Apparently there wasn't anywhere else to park, so people were getting creative. Eek.). Anyway, despite being potato-free, this stew was really quite tasty and incredibly simple to make -- just put everything in a pot, bring to a boil, cover and put it in the oven for 2-2.5 hours. Easy peasy. I'm not going to post a photo because honestly, it doesn't look as appetizing in the photo as it did in person. But rest assured that if you're looking for a good beef stew recipe, this one will do the trick. It was almost as good as my mom's!

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